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Ghosts of Mars

Martis, Makara, 24, 2077, m249

Dynamo Mariya Nikitovna, Comets Liddel Bradley, and  WuJi's Stanislas Hachette.

When you live on Mars, you live with multiple calendars and timezones.

Birthdays and most traditional holidays follow the Gregorian calendar; thus today is Halloween.

As festivities celebrating this day of masquerade unfold across many of the colonies, a handful of players from United, Wuji,  Comets and Dynamo  gathered in Europa for a youth program fundraiser.

“This is a special event.”, said Hachette, Captain of Wuji, fully dressed in a skeletal-clad EV suit, “This is the first time we [the players] have participated across clubs to support a cause.  I’m so happy to be involved. “

A total of 12 players supported the event.  Their morning began with a photo shoot at Europa Stadium and included some hands-on-training for VIP sponsors and students.   The afternoon was spent visiting schools prior to the main reception hosted at Europa's Town Square.

“This is great fun for us and the kids!”, said Karaasia of the Dynamos, her costume drenched in fake blood.

The intensive schedule of the MAFL has left little opportunity for players to intermingle, so this reprieve was a rare occasion for them to let down their guard and engage in social interaction.

According to Comets' Bradley, “Halloween is supposed to be scary, but if you are looking for a real fright, wait for the last two weeks of the season for some real gore and disembowelment.”

Happy Halloween!