Where's the Beef?
/Gemini 1, 2078, m249
Where's the beef? Well, apparently, it's on its way!
Huacheng, Tiangong and Osumi will become the first colonies to introduce Organic Dairy products at significant volume.
Duke Riddlestone, owner of Riddle Farms Texas Company, is one of the primary suppliers of genetically engineered livestock. He and his team arrived on a temporary work visa early in Mesha and have been working with local operators to ensure a smooth transition when the cattle arrives. All 3 colonies will have dedicated massive underground facilities for the venture.
we won't see cows on the surface of Mars anytime soon, rather, they will inhabit dedicated facilities in Huacheng, Tiangong and Osumi. Other colonies will be eagerly observing the outcome of this new program. Suppliers of the genetically engineered bovine claim the load on resources fall within the same parameters as other adapted livestock.
The livestock is en route and a large portion of the test-tube calves will be 'born' on the final approach to Mars, after a 250 day gestation period. The total herd size will be 120 cows and is expected to produce in excess of 200,000 litres of milk each year.
Riddlestone, formerly an all-star NNFBL player (and later in his career, a coach), praised the consortium responsible for opening up the market for his livestock and the achievements of Martian colonization.
“It’s a remarkable thing to come to this world and witness how people live here,” Riddlestone said in a recent interview, “I’m impressed with how far you’ve been able to push agriculture and how it has afforded colonists with a relatively diverse diet. I'm happy that my cows are a new milestone.”
How this will affect the synthetic milk sector remains to be seen, but many are eager to welcome cow milk over the low-volume from human milk sharing programs available in some colonies.
When asked of what he thinks of Martian sports, he said, “It’s great to see a budding sporting culture, especially with the decline back home. I still can’t get over how tall everyone is. I am looking forward to seeing how that translates into actual play. I want to see it with my own eyes, so I plan on being at the Dong Ji opening game.”
Riddlestone has been welcomed as a sport celebrity and multiple MAFL clubs have extended invitations for him to visit, however, he has, so far, declined due to his immediate business obligations.