Something foul in Tiangong
/Gemini 28, 2078, m249
Maintenance technicians are unable to rid the mold causing foul smell across the colony.
Wuji will be starting off the season in rotten shape and not only because of their dismal display in their first season.
Tiangong has been plagued by widespread issues with the colony's environment controls. Mold infestations have produced a foul, rotten odour that is being circulated through the entire facility. To make matters worse, the right solution will require a complete replacement of filtration equipment, which could take weeks to source, build and install.
Tiangong officials have ensured residents that this does not pose a health risk for most people. Those who have untreatable sensitivity have already been relocated to Korolev and Amrita. For everyone else, however, until abatement, there is little that can be done about the smell.
"We wish we could just flush the system and get back to normal," said a Tiangong spokesman, “But, unfortunately, we need to address a design flaw to get at the root of the problem. Until we can safely swap out all of the impacted components and deploy the anti-microbial measures, we will have to endure."
Until that time, the Wuji players have decided to moved out of the habitat and have been camping in their club land transport vehicle.
Interim manager, Desmond Dino Yu, expressed disappointment in the distraction leading up to their opening game against the Titans, but found some positives, "There is nothing like a crisis to bring the team together," he said, “Living out of the transport keeps us close to the pitch and, I expect, we’ll have a capacity crowd as people will want to get out of the colony for a breath of fresh air."
Wuji will face the San Olympus Titans on the 8th of Mithuna, who will, no doubt, have a a lot to prove after their defeat in the finals at the hands of the Comets.