Day 2 - Pachehra Takes Stage

Day 2 - Pachehra Takes Stage

From 5th position this morning, more than 3 km behind HDX’s Marshall Shannon, Pachehra was able to make his move over the ascension leg of the course.  His strength in climbing helped him closed the gap, passing Jarmal Carter (Columbia Hills), Marshall Shannon (HDX), and Owen Dubad (Marineris).  When he emerged from the valley, he was 6 minutes behind the leader, Raihaan El-Morad (Al’amal). 

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Day 2 - Pre-race

Day 2  - Pre-race

The sun has only begun to rise, but in the valleys of Noctis Labryinthus, it is dark.  It is still hours away from the race resuming for Day 2 competition, but most of the runners are already awake.

For most of these athletes, last night was the first time they had experienced sleeping in the great and dangerous outdoors.  After an intensive first day of navigating through and over the punishing terrain , we wanted to get a snapshot of what was going through some of their minds.

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