Take it when you get it

Huacheng - Capricornus 7, 249

It's quite possible this win came as much to the surprise of DJ as everyone else, but when you are in the gutter, take it when you can get it... and ENJOY IT!

Dong Ji celebrate a 2-1 win over Dynamo.

Dong Ji celebrate a 2-1 win over Dynamo.

The beleaguered Dong Ji club has not been able to cut a break, that is, until now.  By no means does this turn the ship around.  With Novyimir allowing a whopping 30 goals so far in the season, one could argue it is harder not to score on the Russian team. Though it may not be much consolation to be sharing the basement with the Dynamos, it is a whole lot better than being dead last on your own.

Unlike other clubs, DJ can get the ball into the net.  On paper they aren't the worst club in the league and have multiple players contributing goals. Today's match is an example of what the team is capable of with #60 Saqqat and #68 Sertac each scoring their 2nd goals of the season.

There is enough runway left in the season for Dong Ji to get back on track and fight for a playoff spot. 

 Dong Ji and Dynamo are both 4-9.