Uday Lanka

Uday Lanka is a professional athlete who plays for the Amrita Immortals in the Martian Aero Football League.


Date of Birth: 2051

Place of Birth: Amrita Colony, Mars

Citizenship: Native citizenship of Amrita Colony

Occupation: Professional Aero Football Player

Positions Played:  Forward

Prior Occupation(s): Food Technologist (Product Development), Food Safety Coordinator (Intern)

Height: 6' 4" (1.93m)


Early Years

Uday Lanka's parents (Santjeet & Anasuya) were part of the Amrita colonization mission at the end of 2048 with expertise in the food sciences.  Uday was born 1 year after Amrita was established.  He would have been their 2nd child had Anasuya not miscarried during first pregnancy.

Uday graduated with honours from multiple remote programs on Earth as well as completing an intensive apprenticeship program prior to the founding of Amrita college in 2073.  After graduating, Uday interned with the colony's agriculture department before getting a placement with Pandey Industries.  


Uday was one of the first picks to the Amrita squad and was quickly handed the team captain role after displaying both natural ability and leadership qualities.

Uday was the lead scorer in MAFL season 1 with an impressive 16 goals.  He is well regarded for his positive attitude, good sportsmanship, and humble demeanour.  He was nominated and recognized as the season 1 League MVP

Lanka wears number 7.

Related Stories and Mentions

Monkey Wrench

MAFL Award Night

Thunder, Lighting and Flood of Goals

Sweet Sixteen

MAFL Titans vs. Immortals Semi-finals

Immortals Break Dynamo Streak

The Legend Returns

Lanka's 10

Dynamos Tune Out