Marineris Takes First Olympus Run
/In hot pursuit - Adeva Faeren of Marineris tailed KLM's Velden Petrovly for most of the race, overtaking him in the final stretch to claim the GolD. KHX takes silver and Anaias Jorgund takes the Bronze for Wendland.
Place | Name | Colony |
1st | Adeva Faeren | Marineris |
2nd | Velden Petroviy | KHX |
3rd | Anaias Jorgund | Wendland |
the 180km route takes runners from the gates of San Olympus to the edge of the calderas at the peak
28 participants competed for the Olympian's Crest on Cancer 12, m2078, in a marathon from San Olympus to the peak of Olympus Mons.
Olympus Run – The 180 km race is a far cry from the 1200 km Pathfinder Marathon, but contenders are still thoroughly trained and vetted before being allowed to compete. Like Pathfinder, participants are required to undergo a week-long training bootcamp that includes several orientation runs to prepare them for the harsh conditions.
Although the slope of Olympus Mons is not quite as sheer as the cliffs of the Valles Marineris, the incredible height of the peak means even thinner atmosphere and increased radiation on the exposed mountainside — all part of the thrill for some.
“I don’t want to live my entire life cooped up inside a bubble. There are risks involved with going Out-of-colony, but we each make our choices on how to live our lives. There’s so much I want to experience on Mars!”